Boys Hope Girls Hope is a Jesuit, non-profit organization located on the west side of Cleveland. Its main mission is to nurture and guide motivated young people in need to become well-educated, career-ready men and women for others. The program begins when the scholars are in sixth grade and continues up through six years post graduating high school. During this time the scholars are taught life skills, helped put through high school, assisted in applying for college and scholarships, and provided support in whatever manner they may need. This summer, I have the pleasure of working with the incredible people that make up the Northeastern Ohio branch of this amazing organization.
Since BHGH is a non-profit organization, it is mainly funded through donations. Right now, especially, is a very difficult time, so support of any kind is appreciated. Volunteering is another great way to get involved and show support for BHGH. Volunteers are always welcomed and extremely appreciated. Some of the volunteer opportunities available right now revolve around the grocery program that is in place due to the financial instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The grocery program is a great way to show support to the families and scholars who are part of the BHGH community.
During my time at BHGH this summer, I have gotten the chance to learn about and help with the grocery program. The grocery program is a weekly service provided to the families of our BHGH scholars and fellows who let us know that they need some help with groceries. Each Wednesday, we pack approximately 120 boxes of food to handout and deliver to our families. Each family receives two boxes each week, one of refrigerated products and one of pantry products. This program is definitely one of the things that I would say that I am lucky to be involved with this summer. Aside from groceries, I have also been working closely with the College and Career Success department on a couple of different projects. Overall, I am so grateful for the opportunities that I am being given and the relationships that I am building here at BHGH during this unprecedented time.
Check out Boys Hope Girls Hope of Northeastern Ohio's website HERE